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Soothing Home Rituals to De-Stress Throughout Your Day

Feeling stressed out during the course of your day? You’re not alone. About six out of every ten Americans feel daily stress and worry. And the results of that stress can be debilitating. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be! In this post, we’ll cover some calming home rituals and bedroom ideas to help you de-stress and re-focus.

5 Soothing Home Rituals to Help You De-Stress

Okay, so we’ve covered the ways that daily stress can build up over time and affect your happiness and productivity. But what are some ways to destress and get yourself back on track?

Below, we’ll go over 5 soothing home rituals that are scientifically proven to help you de-stress. Some of them involve mediative practices, while others require reaching out to friends. Let’s get into it!

  1. Open Up to Yourself with Journaling

There’s plenty of anecdotal evidence about how journaling can promote self-reflection, improve problem-solving, and de stress. But did you know that there’s actually some research that supports the benefits of journaling?

It’s true! A 2014 study in the publication Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, looked at 116 young adult participants to judge how they responded to journaling. Researchers randomly assigned participants to write about their deepest thoughts and feelings for 20 minutes. As a control group, researchers also assigned some participants to write about a random topic.

Researchers found that participants who wrote about their deep thoughts and feelings exhibited lower stress and anxiety levels than the control group did during a three-month follow-up interview. Take advantage of this by using journaling as one of your ways to destress.

  1. Ways to Destress with Meditation Techniques

If you’ve practiced meditation before, you’re probably familiar with its ability to de-stress. And now, you have the science to prove it!

A 2013 study in JAMA Internal Medicine reviewed more than 17,000 participant studies looking at meditation’s ability to de-stress. Researchers found evidence that mindfulness meditation programs reduced anxiety and depression after just 8 weeks. After 3 months, meditation even helped participants minimize pain.

One specific way you can de-stress using meditation is by taking a mindful pause. This technique involves shutting off your mental autopilot and taking a moment to reset. This helps you turn off your “fast brain” and create new and beneficial patterns and habits. Once you’ve cleared your mind, you’ll be ready to form new connections and habits with renewed focus.

  1. Give Plants a Try

One of the simplest and most effective home rituals to de-stress is trying plant extracts. Research suggests that certain plant compounds may be able to alleviate anxiety. In fact, researchers studying the compound believe that it may be so effective, it could help those suffering from anxiety disorders like PTSD, social anxiety, panic disorder, and more.

That’s not all, though. plants may also be able to reduce everyday stress. Whether you’re freaking out about traffic, work, or something else entirely, plant extracts can help you chill out with its soothing vibes.

  1. Plan a Time to Contact a Close Friend

Contacting a close friend during a stressful time is a powerful way to destress. Friends act as a rock for us to confide in, and they can also offer us advice and outside perspective that we couldn’t find alone.

However, today’s socially distanced world can make it a little challenging to keep up contact with our friends. That’s why it’s so important to schedule time with them! And you can feel good about it too since you’re helping them de-stress as well! Set up a time for a weekly or bi-weekly check in with a close friend to reduce your stress.

  1. Calming Bedroom Ideas

In today’s new normal, bedrooms have become more than just where we sleep. It’s also where we work, take breaks, and relax. That’s a lot of responsibility for a single room!

Since we spend so much time in one place, it’s no wonder some of us start to get a little stressed out. There are some ways we can combat these feelings of anxiety though.

For example, research shows that interacting with indoor plants can help reduce stress. A 2015 study observing 24 young adults looked at just how much plants can soothe anxiety. Researchers found that participants exhibited lower blood pressure and heart rate, indicating significant relaxation.

So go ahead, splurge on that succulent you’ve been eying. It has a critical part to play in your daily home rituals to de-stress! 

Make Relive Everyday a Part of Your Home Rituals

If you haven’t tried plant extract oils to help reduce your stress and anxiety, what are you waiting for? There’s never been a better time to try plant extracts. What’s more, Relive Everyday makes it easy to introduce this particular compound into your daily calming rituals.

Using a process called CO2 broad-spectrum extraction, we’ve developed products that capture whole-plant benefits. However, that hasn’t compromised any Relive Everyday product with psychoactive compounds, though. All of our products are psychoactive compound-free. What’s more, all of our recipes are dairy-free, vegan, and diabetic-, paleo-, and keto-friendly.

Take control of your wellness today with Relive Everyday. Check out our variety of oils, gummies, topicals, and capsules!

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